After more drama and speculation than necessary, it looks like the Richmond Night Market is finally all set to go for the 2008 summer season, opening in just 9 days on May 30th.
In a drama with more twists and turns than the season finale of Desperate Housewives (I've never actually seen the show...), the market will open this year on the same site, with a new operator.
After the previous operator bowed out, citing high operating costs and raising rents, a new operator has come forward, claiming he can run a bigger, better, safer market. Despite a pending lawsuit for copyright infringement (apprently the name 'Richmond Night Market' isn't generic enough...), sabotage of the market site, and push back from local city council, the permits were finally approved lasat night and all systems are go.
The obvious downer is the new operator's promise to police to crack down on counterfit goods (no more cheap sunglasses and $2 DVDs? Sadface!)... but I only really go for the food anyways. I'm drooling just thinking about it... mmmm... Takoyaki... Fried Squid... little Nutella filled puff balls... Yum!
nice choice on the photo ;-) oh how i love the night market - meat on a stick is really what unites the world but the okonomiyaki is my fave snack. So much so that i recorded a podcast about sampling these weirdly savory Japanese pancakes - Checkout Tasty Asian Night Market Joint - Choogle on #53 for on the scene documentation.
Cheers, thanks :)
Love the podcast, how'd you do it live? The atmospheric noises are awesome.
nice post
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